12 Oct 2015
Advocacy and Expert Advice
Kathie Shepard

Hamilton-based John Griffin Realty offer expert advice and advocacy in a range of areas throughout the motel industry.
Hamilton-based John Griffin Realty offer expert advice and advocacy in a range of areas throughout the motel industry.
By Media PA
By Trish Watson
John Griffin and Kathie Shepard from Hamilton-based John Griffin Realty Ltd. offer a range of expert services to those looking for advocacy or advice in the New Zealand motel industry.
With more than 45 years’ experience in the motel industry between them, John, Anne and Kathie at John Griffin Realty Ltd are the best people to contact for guidance.
As New Zealand’s most experienced motel broker John Griffin has a wealth of expert knowledge that could benefit you and your current or future business.
“I’ve been involved in many aspects of the industry including rent reviews, facilitating between lessees and lessors and I am always happy to communicate with landlords, banks and be involved wherever else people might need help. When we deal with people we give them a lifetime guarantee and we are there to support them whenever they need it,” says John Griffin.
If you have considered purchasing a motel and getting involved in the industry but are unsure about how to go about it John Griffin Realty can give you and insight into whether the lifestyle is right for you.
Kathie Shepard, a motel broker from John Griffin Realty Ltd, has 10 years first-hand experience owning and operating a motel and knows the ins and outs of what it takes to run a motel.
“We know what kind of person will suit the industry, we ask them is this the right industry for you? We let people know if a motel isn’t right for them or will make their life hard while they are there,” says Kathie.
“For many motel brokers it is about the books and making profit, for us it is about a lot more than that we want to make sure clients see the full picture and we want to make sure we are helping them towards success,” Kathie adds.
The professional team at John Griffin Realty genuinely cares about your success and can help you achieve your goals in the motel industry.
Contact John Griffin Realty LTD:
Kathie Mobile: 021979249
Email: Kathie@johngriffin.co.nz
Website: http://www.johngriffin.co.nz/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JohnGriffinRealty
4 Sept 2015
New Zealand’s most experienced motel broker John Griffin Realty knows it is the little things that keeps guests coming back
Kathie Shepard

HAMILTON-BASED John Griffin Realty Ltd is New Zealand’s most experienced motel broker. With a wealth of knowledge and involvement in the motel industry John Griffin and Kathie Shepard of John Griffin Realty Ltd have the expertise that could help your business.
Kathie Shepard, a motel broker from John Griffin Realty Ltd, has 10 years experience in operating a motel and knows that it is the little things such as thanking guests that keeps them coming back.
“Operating a motel is not just all about providing facilities and collecting money. It is about making your customers feel good, important and wanting to come back to you,” says Kathie, a motel broker from John Griffin Realty Ltd.
Thanking customers does not just have to be something done just from the counter as you can also get in contact with them after they have left.
“In this modern age of e-mail this task is made easier with a simple template you can set up and then flick off to each guest,” advises Kathie.
Kathie provides an example of an email which as well as a thank you also helps to prevent bad publicity and reviews.
“On behalf of the team at xyz motel, we thank you for your business and sincerely hope that you will choose to stay with us again in the future. If you have had a satisfying stay, tell others about your visit and post a comment on Trip Advisor. If your stay wasn’t completely satisfying, please e-mail myself directly with your comments to enable us to continuously improve our services.”
Many front desk programmes allow you to set up templates for emails or letters and there are also tools in Outlook and Microsoft Word that can help you achieve this.
If this is something you would like to try with your guests but you don’t currently know how to use the services get in contact with Kathie Shepard at John Griffin Realty Ltd to get advice from New Zealand’s most experienced motel brokers.
6 Jul 2015
Social Media Marketing Campaign
Kathie Shepard

At John Griffin Realty ltd we like to keep abreast of the modern trends and changes so we can give you the correct advice when looking at selling your motel. In light of this we have been looking at social media marketing campaigns and have decided to invest in one ourselves, monitor the results and then be informed enough to give our opinion to our clients.
As such we have now got a facebook page, twitter account, instagram, pinterest and linkedin and are looking forward to the information we gather form the various channels. We have also employed mediapa to be our marketing managers and as such they will be promoting our business through their various channels. Below is the first article they have produced and we are excited about how it all comes together and what results we will get.
July 3, 2015 in General news by MediaPA 0 Comments
Hamilton based John Griffin Realty LTD are your experienced New Zealand Motel Brokers for buying or selling motels.
Anne, John, Kathie
Specialising in facilitating motel sales and giving advice on motelling, Hamilton based John Griffin Realty LTD are ideal for motel owners and prospective purchasers.
The team at John Griffin Realty LTD have expert knowledge of motel industry and operation with a lifetime guarantee. John Griffin Realty LTD have a combined 67 years real estate and motel industry experience.
John Griffin has more than 48 years in the real estate industry, in 1979 John sold his first motel business and was instantaneously enticed to the tourism aspect of the industry and the innovative nature of the moteliers themselves. John Griffin has been at the forefront of motel broking in New Zealand for the past 30 years. John has been personally involved in hundreds of motel transactions throughout New Zealand.
John is a consultant to the Motel Association of New Zealand, he recognises industry trends and is well qualified to advise in the sale, purchase or lease of your motel. John is an Honorary Life Member of the Motel Association of New Zealand, a Fellow of the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand, a R.E.I.N.Z Business Broker Specialist and a Life Member of the Waikato Motel Association.
Kathie Shepard, a Motel Broker for John Griffin Realty was previously owner/operator of the Aaron Court Motor Inn in Hamilton for 10 years. “During my time owning the motel I was very involved with the Waikato Motel Association, holding various positions including secretary and vice president,” says Kathie.
Kathie was elected to the national body, the Motel Association of New Zealand as a board member, she also served as a member of the “Tourism Waikato Advisory Board” and The “Waikato University Hospitality Advisory Board”.
“Throughout my time in the motel I helped many a new motelier settle into the industry and gained a valuable insight into the motel industry and the uniqueness of individual motels”. Her past experience, allows her to give professional and informed advice on the motel industry in both the day to day running of a motel and the other broader matters which will relate to you when you buy or sell a motel.
If you are looking to buy or sell a motel you need to make an informed investment, so make sure you deal with the professional team at John Griffin Realty LTD, who knows and understands motels.